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It all started with a book...

I was just over seven when I picked up a chapter book and read it for the first time. I was seriously disappointed. There was a huge buildup for a story, then the ending just... dropped the ball. I remember thinking in my seven-year-old mind "I could do better than that!" I complained to my mother about it, and she issued the challenge that changed my life. "You can do better? Okay, do it!"

So began a life-long love of books, stories, and writing. Even when life took me in other directions, as I became a paramedic and wife and mother, writing was never far from my mind. I scribbled little stories in random notebooks when I wasn't paying attention in class. I made up longer stories in my mind, and told them to my son in sections as he grew. 

But it wasn't until my thirties that I realized it was time to devote myself in all seriousness to what I loved doing. With the full support of my husband and our boys, I picked up my laptop and got to work. 

Short stories

When I was in high school, my writing teacher said that my best format was novels. Looking back, I disagree. To me, there is nothing better or more powerful than a well-written short story. Try to read Stephen King's "Summer Thunder" without tearing up, I dare you! So I have several short stories submitted to various places.

Longer works

Of course, not saying that longer writing isn't fun and meaningful as well, and the writing teacher got sent one of the first copies of my debut novel. Since that one, I have several others in the works, including the sequel to my first.

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